Sunday, November 16, 2008

Wish List

Our Top 10 Temporal Wish List
(items we want but don't necessarily need)

1. New Car--to replace the stalling Malibu or the dented in Aztek that hit the Malibu (courtesy of Amanda)
2. Washer and Dryer--maybe something we do need to benefit everyone else
3. New Couch--sectional would be nice so we could cuddle and more could visit--probably not at the same time
4. New Camera--one that takes clear pictures from more than 5ft away "snapshots are great, landscape would be better"
5. Knee Surgery--should be number 1, but you see our priorities
6. Gym membership--we've been saying we would get for the past year now, only takes 5 minutes if you're not lazy and in shape..OH, and Zac's company would reimburse
7. Entertainment Center--not necessarily a bigger TV just something to cover up the bachelor's gadgets
8. Maid/Babysitter--one we don't have to pay
9. New Computer/Laptop--one that doesn't shut down in mid sentence
10. A VACATION--we need to get away from all of you


tracyp said...

SOOO excited to see y'all in a month!

Anonymous said...

This is what I came to this highly publisized site for? lol