Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Well, tis has been a little hecktic week for us. Addilyn has seemed to catch the colic bug and is keeping Mom and Dad very busy!! amanda is nearing the time she is to return to work and so we are also trying to get her to take a bottle. tuesday was her 2nd DR visit with DR Ross, M.D. and (he is really a good DR by the way)he gives her a great bill of health she is up to 11.3LBS and 23'' long...wow, She is really growing (95%). We love her so much especially when she sleeps 4-5 hours at a time!!here are some of her "screw you i hate bath time photos"! also some taken at the DR.'s Office when she was giving daddy kisses. She IS smiling!


tracyp said...


kiki said...

The pictures are great!! I need to do some blogging tonight while Daniel is at the priesthood session!!

kiki said...

oh KIKI= Senta